

(this page is regularly updated)

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Publications of Reaserchers (project-related and thematically-related)


Adem, S. (2025, January 31). The ruins of Kafala bending: Tales of  Courage and Exploitation. AMMODI Blog.

Adem, S. (2025, January 09). Der Golf bietet Arbeit, Europa bietet Warten. afrika süd dossier: migration aus und in afrika.  

Havlin, T. (2025). War-induced (im)mobilities and immobilizing effects in the context of the Russo-Ukrainian war. Mobilities. Online first. https://doi.org/10.1080/17450101.2024.2445803

Krämer, M. & Van Dijk, R. (Eds.) (under contract, accepted for publication in 2026). Mobilities and Intermediary Authorities in Africa: Crossroads of Power, Space, and Identity. Routledge.

Krämer, M. & Van Dijk, R. (under contract, accepted for publication in 2026). Introduction: Mobilities and Intermediary Authorities in Africa. In M. Krämer & R. Van Dijk (Eds.), Mobilities and Intermediary Authorities in Africa: Crossroads of Power, Space, and Identity. Routledge.

Krämer, M. (under contract, accepted for publication in 2026). ‘The Chief on the Road’: Interconnecting Mobilities and Intermediary Authorities in Namibia. In M. Krämer & R. Van Dijk (Eds.), Mobilities and Intermediary Authorities in Africa: Crossroads of Power, Space, and Identity. Routledge.

Ndahayo, E., & Schittenhelm, K. (2025, accepted/forthcoming). Exploring Intersectional Perspectives with the Documentary Method. Comparative Case Studies on the Reunification of Refugee Families. Sozialer Sinn. Journal of Hermeneutic Social Research. Special Issue on ‘Intersectionality in Interpretative Social Research’.

Pelican, M., Zafer, K., & Bollig, M. (Eds.) (2025, forthcoming): Decolonizing the Academy in Africa and Beyond: Institutional Development and Collaboration. transcript. 

Schittenhelm, K. (2025). Internationale Mobilität in der Wissenschaft, Geschlecht und soziale Ungleichheiten. In A. Franzke, & K. Springsgut (Eds.), Gleichstellung im Wandel. Neue Herausforderungen und Wege der Karrierentwicklung von Frauen in der Wissenschaft (pp. 63-82). U. Helmer.


Adem, S. (2024, December 11). Funding the journey: How Western aid became a ticket to the Gulf. Public Anthropologist Blog Journal.  

Inhetveen, K., Krämer, M., & Pargen, L. (2024). Researching Transborder Mobility and Institutions of Intermediary Rule in Southern Africa. Siegener Working Papers zur Politischen Soziologie (SWoPS) Nr. 2, University of Siegen. http://dx.doi.org/10.25819/ubsi/10589

Kortendiek, N. (2024). Global Governance on the Ground. Organizing Migration and Asylum at the Border. Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780198889120.001.0001

Kortendiek, N. (2024). Beyond Authority: Governing Migration and Asylum through Practice on the Ground. European Journal of International Relations, 1-28. https://doi.org/10.1177/13540661241278568

Krämer, M. (2024). Nature Conservation and Opposition to Wind Power in Rural Germany: Divergent Views on (In)Justice and Environmental Crises in the Anthropocene. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie/Journal of Social and Cultural Anthropology, 149(2), 277–296. Special Issue on ‘Justice in the Anthropocene’. https://doi.org/10.60827/zfe/jsca.v149i2.1925

Lahusen, C. (2024). Trust and Distrust in Political Institutions: Conceptual and theoretical reassessments. Journal of Political Sociology 2(1), 80-104. https://doi.org/10.54195/jps.17413

Schieder, D., Emde, S., & Presterudstuen, G.H. (2024). (Vaka)Vanua as Weakness, (Vaka)Vanua as Strength: Reflections on Fijian Sociality in Urban and Migrant Environments. Anthropological Forum, 34(2), 166-185. https://doi.org/10.1080/00664677.2023.2247177


Kortendiek, N., & Oertel, J. (2023). Caught between Vulnerability and Competence – UNHCR’s Visual Framing of Refugees, Economic Threat Perceptions and Attitudes toward Asylum Seekers in Germany. Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies, 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1080/15562948.2023.2179151

Schäfer, G., Schittenhelm, K., & El Dali, Y. (2023). Places and mechanisms of belonging and exclusion. Intra-EU migration in a comparative perspective. Population, Space and Place, 29(8),2699. https://doi.org/10.1002/psp.2699


Hofmann, R., & Schieder, D. (Eds.). (2022). Explorations into Micronesian Mobility: Transforming Family and Home across Borders [Special Issue]. Pacific Geographies, 58. https://pacific-geographies.org/2022/08/18/pacific-geographies-58/

Lahusen, C., Schittenhelm, K., & Schneider, S. (2022). Europäische Asylpolitik und lokales Verwaltungshandeln. Zur Behördenpraxis in Deutschland und Schweden. transcript. https://www.transcript-open.de/isbn/3330

Schittenhelm, K. (2022). Negotiating unequal mobility opportunities: Young academics’ mobility in the EU and their partner-related living arrangements. Geoforum, 133, 117-127. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoforum.2022.03.020  


Cinalli, M., Trenz, H.-J., Brändle, V., Eisele, O. & Lahusen, C. (2021). Solidarity in the Media and Public Contention over Refugees in Europe. Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9780367817169

Kortendiek, N. (2021). How to govern mixed migration in Europe: transnational expert networks and knowledge creation in international organizations. Global Networks, 21(2), 320–338. https://doi.org/10.1111/glob.12293

Krämer, M. (2021). Challenging Neotraditional Authority in Namibia. In A.S. Steinforth & S. Klocke-Daffa (Eds.),Challenging Authorities. Ethnographies of Legitimacy and Power in Eastern and Southern Africa (pp. 219–242). Palgrave Macmillan. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-76924-6_8

Krämer, M. (2021). Review Comaroff, J.L. and Comaroff, J. (eds.) 2018. The Politics of Custom: Chiefship, Capital, and the State in Contemporary Africa. Chicago (University of Chicago Press) / Zenker, O. and Hoehne, M.V. (eds.) 2018. The State and the Paradox of Customary Law in Africa. London and New York (Routledge). Zeitschrift für Ethnologie / Journal of Social and Cultural Anthropology, 146(1/2), 260–263.



Adem, S. (2024, December 2-3): Intersection of the Kafala System and EU Externalization Practices in Ethiopian Migration Governance. EFFEXT project closing conference on African Migration Governance: Insights, Innovations, and Interventions, Addis Abeba, Ethiopia.

Adem, Saleh Seid (2024, July 2-5): Bodies on Display: A Converging Construct – Intersectionality in the Recruitment of Ethiopian Migrant Domestic Workers in the UAE. 21st IMISCOE Annual Conference, Lisbon, Portugal. 

Adem, S. (2024, May 16-17). Emotions in Motion: Autoethnography of the Affective Realities of Ethiopian Migrant Workers’ Institutional Encounter in the Kafala. Research Unit FOR 5183 Public Conference: Theory-Making and Methodologies at the Intersection of Mobility and Institutions: Perspectives from and on the Global South, Cologne, Germany.

Ndahayo, E. (2024, December 9). Geflüchtete zwischen Anerkennung und Restriktion. Eine vergleichende Studie zur Familienzusammenführung für Geflüchtete in Deutschland und Frankreich. Ringvorlesung Flucht, Migration und Identität, Institut Français Bonn/University of Bonn.

Ndahayo, E. (2024, September 3). Bureaucratie et (im)mobilité des familles transnationales. Des réfugiés entre reconnaissance et restriction en Europe. Etude comparative entre la France et l’Allemagne. Université du Burundi, Bujumbura, Burundi.

Ndahayo, E. (2024, July 3-5). The re-establishment of the civil status of refugees and its impact on their family lives. A comparative study between Germany and France.  Thirtieth International Conference of Europeanists, Lyon, France.

Ngeh, Jonathan and Michaela Pelican (2024, July 2-5): Intersectionality and Spatial Location in a Segregated City: African Migrants in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). 21st IMISCOE Annual Conference, Lisbon, Portugal.

Schneider, S. (2024, September 16-18).  “They put me red” – Die Arbeit von Ausländerbehörden aus Perspektive von Menschen in aufenthaltsrechtlicher Unsicherheit. 5th Conference of the German Network for Forced Migration Studies, Bonn, Germany.

Schneider, S. (2024, May 16-17). Emotions and Affect in Researching Administrative Encounters: The Case of Deportation Suspension in Germany. Research Unit FOR 5183 Public Conference: Theory-Making and Methodologies at the Intersection of Mobility and Institutions: Perspectives from and on the Global South, Cologne, Germany.

Schneider, S. (2024, January 25). Rhythms of Suspension. Tolerated persons’ experiences of administrative encounters for renewal and some implications for conceptions of justice and the rule of law. Open research colloquium of the research group Navigating the Mediterranean: Search and Rescue Missions and the Dissensus on Democracy (ZivDem), online.

Tretmans, M. (2024, June 13). Synergies and Challenges: Implementing the Global Compacts for Migration and Refugees – The IOM, UNHCR, and non-state actors. Special Event at the Center for Global Studies, Université Internationale de Rabat, Morocco.

Tretmans, M. (2024, March 20-22). All affected, all involved? The Role of Non-State Actors from the Global South in the GCM and the GCR. DVPW Early Career Tagung Internationale Beziehungen, Tutzing, Germany.


Adem, S. (2023, September 18-21).Digital Entanglements and Ethiopian Domestic Workers in the UAE. Entanglements. AHRC International Conference, Oxford, UK.

Adem, S. (2023, July 25-28). Transnational migration and social media: a material culture shaping transnational experience. DGSKA conference, Munich, Germany. 

Adem, S. (2023, July 3-6). Migration Diplomacy through Migrant Self-Organisations. 20th IMISCOE Annual Conference: MIGRATION AND INEQUALITIES In search of answers and solutions, Warsaw, Poland.

Adem, S. (2023, May 30-June 3). The Kafala Benders: Ruins and Imaginaries. African Futures, 9th ECASCologne, Germany.

Adem, S. (2023, February 6-7). ’Ijaza’ houses, more than just a roof over their heads—the complex housing arrangement of Ethiopian domestic workers ‘outside’ the kafala in the UAE. Social Inequalities in the Gulf and Beyond, NYUAD, Abu Dhabi, UAE.

Bochmann, A. (2023, June 25). Deportation Suspension. The Production of a Legal Institution. Sommerkolloquium der Netzwerke Migratonsrecht und Flüchtlingsforschung, HU Berlin, Germany.

Bochmann, A. (2023, June 1-2). The Production of a Temporary Legal Institution: Deportation Suspension. International Conference on the Temporal Dimensions of Migration Law, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Kortendiek, N. (2023, July 12-14). International Organizations in Crises – Governing on the Ground during the Migration and Refugee Crisis. EWIS Workshops, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Kortendiek, N. (2023, March 14). Beyond Authority? International Organizations Governing Migration and Asylum at the Border. International Theory, ISA Pre-Conference Workshop, Montréal, Canada.

Krämer, M. & van Dijk, R. (2023, May 30-June 3). Positioning Institutionalized Authority, Mobility and Trajectories of Future-Making. European Conference on African Studies (ECAS), Cologne, Germany.

Ndahayo, E. (2023, June 27-29). Doing Family Across Borders: The Impact of Long-Lasting Separation of Members of Refugee Families Between Europe and Africa. Twenty-Ninth International Conference of Europeanists, Reykjavik, Iceland. 

Pargen, L. (2023, July 12). Mobile Chiefs and Chieftainesses – Political Networking for Development? Southern African Institute for Policy and Research (SAIPAR), Lusaka, Zambia.

Pargen, L. & Inhetveen, K. (2023, May 30-June 3). Mobility of Traditional Authorities in Zambia: Intra-Institutional Networking and Inter-Institutional Cooperation. European Conference on African Studies (ECAS), Cologne, Germany.

Pelican, M. (2023, November 16-20). Current Trends in Migration Research: Aspirations-Capabilities Framework (Input). DiaMiGo Autumn Research Academy, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany.

Pelican, M. (2023, August 13-31). South-South / South-North Migration: Changing Trajectories and Migration Regimes (Keynote). Cologne Summer School on Migration, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany.

Schittenhelm, K. (2023, June 27-29). State Interventions into Refugees’ ‘Privacy’: (Un-)Intended Consequences of Family Reunification Policies. Twenty-Ninth International Conference of Europeanists, Reykjavik, Iceland.

Schneider, S. (2023, June 1-2). Rhythms of Suspension. Tolerated persons’ experiences of variation in administratively set time frames. International Conference on the Temporal Dimensions of Migration Law, Amsterdam, Netherlands.


Adem, S. (2022, November 1-2). Connecting, Co-Coping and Co-Hoping in the Transnational Space; Social Media and Social Cohesion among Ethiopian Transnational Migrant Workers in the UAE. 3rdIGAD Scientific Conference on Migration and Displacement: Inclusion and Social Cohesion: Connecting Research, Data and Policy, Nairobi, Kenya.

Kortendiek, N. (2022, July 14-15). Learning from the Crisis? Bottom-up Policy Change in International Migration Organizations. International Workshop “Democracy and Practices of Global Order”, Humboldt University Berlin, Germany.

Krämer, M. (2022, May 4). Chieftaincy, Neotraditional Networking and (Transborder) Mobility in Southern Africa. Workshop on Institutional Dynamics and Mobility in Southern Africa, Global South Studies Center, Cologne.

Schieder, D. & Lilomaiava-Doktor, S. (2022, June 2-5). Pacific Islanders, Mobility, and Institutional Dynamics: An Introduction. 11th European Society for Oceanists Conference, Ajaccio, France.